Pikangikum FN – All Weather Access Road (Aggregate Source Investigation)



The proposed Pikangikum Road was a new all weather access road from the Pikangikum First Nation southerly to Nungesser Road (at approximately the 90 km mark), a distance of about 20.8 km. The road link was to provide year round access to Pikangikum First Nation.

Aggregate Resource Investigations

TBT Engineering was retained by Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants to undertake the aggregate resource investigations necessary to locate, qualify and secure aggregate permits for sufficient resources to complete the project. This included a preliminary airborne survey to identify potential sources, as well as detailed field investigations to assess the quality and quantity of potential granular deposits. Aggregate resources (evaluation of material quality and quantity) where outlined on base plans prepared by TBT Engineering from Total Station surveys completed over the entire proposed aggregate permit area.

Category 9 Aggregate Resource Permit

As the proposed aggregate sources where located on Crown Land, TBT Engineering prepared the necessary Category 9 Aggregate Resource Permit application. The permit included a surveyed Site Plan, Level 1 Natural Sciences Environmental Assessment and a Stage 1 Cultural- Heritage Assessment.

Geotechnical Investigation

TBT Engineering then completed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed all season road. The purpose of the investigation was to investigate the sub-surface conditions at a limited number of locations along the route and to provide geotechnical design data based on the conditions encountered.

Alignment Survey

TBTE undertook a total station survey of the entire Right Of Way (ROW). Control monumentation was placed along the ROW limits for reference during construction. From the total station field information TBT Engineering developed a Digital Terrain Model and prepared a plan and profile for the entire alignment illustrating existing ground details as well as proposed roadway location and elevation following construction.

Design Services

TBT Engineering provided detailed roadway design services for the project utilizing Softdesk design parameters over the original ground DTM developed from field surveys. Construction plans, profiles, drawings, typical sections, tender quantities and contract specifications where developed in accordance with OPSS requirements for an acceptable all weather access road. Preliminary cost estimates where also determined. TBTE also tendered and administered an aggregate production contract providing for sufficient granular material for project purposes.

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