TBT Engineering News


Golf Links Multi-Use Bridge – 2015  

Project Description

TBT Engineering Limited (TBTE) has been retained by The City of Thunder Bay (COTB) to provide design and contract administration services for a new multi-use bridge over the McIntyre Floodway that would connect Vickers Street to Carrick Street. The new bridge will be consistent with the COTB Active Transportation Plan and establish a north-south cycling corridor in order to foster a safe, comfortable, and convenient path for cycle-commuting and other forms of non-vehicular travel.

Purpose of the Study

An active transportation corridor that utilizes Carrick Street and Vickers Street as a main thoroughfare was chosen by the COTB as a practical, low-stress, and direct route to link the City’s two cores. A new bridge crossing the McIntyre Floodway was identified as a key component of this route.

The establishment of this active transportation corridor has been identified as a priority action in developing the commuter and recreational network in Thunder Bay.

Environmental Assessment (EA) Process

This project will follow the Schedule B Process for the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) (October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011, & 2015). Schedule B undertakings have the potential for adverse environmental effects; these effects are well understood from a technical perspective and are minor in nature. Schedule B projects are required to go through a screening process, including consultation with those who may be affected.

Public Information Centre

A Public Information Centre was held on Thursday, October 4th, 2018.

Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Location: Outdoor Venue at the corner of Carrick St. and Waterford St., North bank of McIntyre River

To submit comments online please visit: www.tbte.ca/carrick-vickers-multi-use-bridge-comments

Project File

This website will host all public notices pertaining to the Schedule B MCEA and will be updated regularly.

If any member of the public would like to view the Project File, it is available at the following location:

TBT Engineering Limited, Building Engineering Services

1918 Yonge Street

Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 6T9

Mon-Fri 8:30am to 5:00pm

Notice of Study Completion.pdf

Notice of Study Commencement.pdf

Notice of Public Information Centre.pdf

Public Information Centre Information Boards.pdf

For further information on this project, or on the planning process being followed contact the following individuals:

TBT Engineering Limited

Ms. Dani Rhodes, P. Eng, C.E.T.

Project Engineer

1918 Yonge Street, Thunder bay, ON, P7E 6T9

Tel: (807) 624-5160

E-mail: carrickvickersbridge@tbte.ca

City of Thunder Bay

Mr. Mike Vogrig, P.Eng

Project Engineer

111 S. Syndicate Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 1C5

Tel: (807) 625-2163

E-mail: mvogrig@Thunderbay.ca